Harsh Environment
Drone Challenge


Reception period
January 15 (Wed.) to
May 12 (Mon.), 2025

The mission of
Harsh Environment Drone Challenge (HEDC) is
to rescue victims immediately with advanced robots
in case of a large-scale disaster.


Under that circumstance,
ground vehicles and ships were completely unusable.
Therefore, HEDC participants are supposed to execute three missions,
such as the survey of the damage or the supply delivery, using multiple UAVs.


Rescue vehicle route search using a flying robot

MISSION 1 Rescue vehicle route search using a flying robot

Aerial exploration of designated areas with a flying robot, identification of the location and type of obstacles, and establishment of a route for dispatching rescue teams

The accuracy and speed of disaster occurrence situation investigation
Identifying the location of people in need of rescue, understanding and transporting requested support supplies

MISSION 2 Identifying the location of people in need of rescue, understanding and transporting requested support supplies

Searching for multiple victims and reporting their exact locations and conditions.
And understanding the type of requested relief supplies by recognizing the letters painted on the ground, and delivering them to designated locations.

The accuracy and speed of deciphering the relief supplies needed by the disaster victims, and transporting those supplies.
Understanding the situation of disaster victims in remote buildings

MISSION 3 Understanding the situation of disaster victims in remote buildings

Approaching with a flying robot to remote buildings and investigating the damage situation inside those buildings.
And understanding the numbers of survivors and their situations in creating a 3D map and reporting the location of them.

The accuracy and speed of investigating the damage situation inside the building, searching for disaster victims, and providing their information.
HEDC mission overview; the RTF, the RTF Namie Runway, and a reas of each mission, and flight route